How To Change Email Icon In Blogger

In many blogs , you may have seen a tiny email button. ( I don't like it . so i removed it ) . If you like to keep a email link button , you may also like to change it to some other image as your wish , so here is how to do it.

First create a image or use a existing image.
Upload it to a image hosting service. ( )

now place your image's URL with with code

<img alt='Email Post' src='Paste you image's URL here' style='border-width:0px;'/>


1. Edit your template ( How to edit your template )
2. Press Ctrl+F and find


now you may find out line as

<span class='email-post-icon'>& #160; </span>

Now replace our special designed code with the above one.

Now follow the Safety Saving Steps.


 I tried this trick with some of my other blogs and found out some thing. In a one of my blog there isn't a code like above.So I searched under some image formats like .gif , .png and suddenly i saw a image as ' icon18_email.gif '. That was the email image. So as i explained , you may not find above code line. Then , use your brain.
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