First Step To blogger template Editing

A blog can only be changed into a good looking website by editing the template.Editing the template is not a very difficult task, but you have to keep patience and please don't lose your interest.

Now you are going to Edit the Template of your blog. Mistakes can be happen. So the best thing is being ready for any thing. So First of all , back up your Blog. Backing up your blog may help in many other occasions too.

For that,

1. Go to 
Settings Main Tab
2. Then 
Basic Tab
3. Now you will see some thing like this.

4. Now Click on Export Blog.

Now you will see a window like this.

5. Now click on Download Blog to start downloading your Blog.

Now lets see how to Import you saved blog.

For that

1. click of 
Import Blog.

Now you will see a window like this.

2. Browse and give your saved blog's address
3. Enter the 
Characters you see in the picture
4. Tick on the box if you want to publish all imported posts. ( I recommended to tick this )

5.. Now click on 
Import Blog.

Ok...... Now we are ready to Edit our Blog's Template...
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